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Eddie Sansoni | Biz Mindset Mentor

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NO BS Biz/Mindset Mentor Husband and Father REAL ADVICE FROM

5 hard truths about your life and business #mindset #entrepreneur #onlinebusiness #selfdevelopmentti Entrepreneurs Keep going! Keep doing! Keep getting better! Don't quit! and it will all be yours #min Focus in what you want and visualize it 💯 #mindset #entrepreneur #onlinebusiness #selfdevelopmenttip #mindset #entrepreneur #onlinebusiness #selfdevelopmenttips #nextlevelmindset #businesscoach #busine #mindset #entrepreneur #onlinebusiness #selfdevelopmenttips #nextlevelmindset #businesscoach #busine If you always do your best you will always get the best, and you won't feel dirty or guilty Stop giving your power away to people that try to put you down Motivation is for people who aren't disciplined Break the rules If you want confidence like you never seen before then do what you say you will do Consistant 1% more everyday = Goals being achieved 👏 #mindset #entrepreneur #onlinebusiness #selfdev Keep F$%king up it shows you are doing and aren't afraid to fail Keep doing all the things that worked or made you successful It's ok to start over and start over again and start over again 2024-05-09 2024-05-09 #EntrepreneurLife #entrepreneur #couplescoach #businessowner #relationshipcoach #relationshipgoals # #EntrepreneurLife #entrepreneur #couplescoach #businessowner #relationshipcoach #relationshipgoals # #EntrepreneurLife #entrepreneur #couplescoach #businessowner #relationshipcoach #relationshipgoals # Having a attitude like this towards your partner is toxic and will forsure lead you to a disconnecte The time and place to apologize isn't right then and there If you are interrupting then you aren't really listening #EntrepreneurLife #entrepreneur #couplescoach #businessowner #relationshipcoach #relationshipgoals # Don't misinterpret Misinterpretation causes fear anxiety and miscommunication and fighting in relati #EntrepreneurLife #entrepreneur #couplescoach #businessowner #relationshipcoach #relationshipgoals # Focus on being great and you will have great things If your partner is saying they are going to leave you GOOD! This is your moment to completely reinve Do you believe in soul mates? or do you think you can create a soul mate? #EntrepreneurLife #entrepr 2024-04-18 Holding each other accountable to be our best selves Use everything you did to become a successful business owner to have a successful relationship IMAGINE HAVING that PERFECT relationship with your partner Full of LOVE❤️ CONNECTION👫 on the SAME PA Criticizing your partner will always lead to resentment, and ultimately the loss of your relationshi You getwhat you put into your relationship, plain and simple Ask your partner how you can be better You only have so much time in this world with your spouse, DO NOT be so critical of your spouse Entrepreneurs you have the keys 🔑 and tools 🔧 to have the best, loving, connected relationship alrea Holding each other accountable! #EntrepreneurLife #relationshipcoach #relationshipgoals #relationshi Do you criticize your partner? If so that is not productive to your relationship and is causing more When you ask your partner how you can be better you are being vulnerable and showing them how much y #EntrepreneurLife #relationshipcoach #relationshipcoaching #relationshipcoachforentrepreneurs #relat Do you quickly and effectively communicate to each other your WANTS, NEEDS and FEELINGS? #Entreprene Do you know your partners Love languages? #EntrepreneurLife #relationshipcoach #relationshipcoaching Men do you have a naggy spouse? Are you showing up how you should in the relationship? If you were s Is my relationship salvageable? Maybe! Do you both still love each other is the question Don't sweat the small stuff let the small things go! Stop trying to make your partner wrong Do you constantly look for the easy way out in your relationship? And doing the bare minimum? #Coupl Gratitude and Appreciation is truly a game changer