in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Is Jesus coming sooner than most think? Join me tonight at 7PM EST as we uncover hidden insights from the book of Daniel that reveal when the messiah will make his final appearance!🔥👉🏾
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Join me Friday at 7pm EST as we uncover the mystery of “Ancient Hebrew Text SHOCKINGLY Reveal When the Tribulation Ends”👉🏾 How soon do you think the return of Jesus is?
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Who do you think the 24 Elders are in the book of Revelation? Watch Saturday night as we uncover their true identities👉🏾
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If you didn’t get to watch the premiere of “Unlock Supernatural Breakthrough | The Ultimate Consecration Prayer” the replay is available now🔥✝️
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Wednesday at 12pm EST come and listen to this powerful prayer of surrender to Jesus. This prayer will help you get breakthrough to fully surrender to Jesus and have a higher level of intimacy with Him🔥👉🏾
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The teachings for the second week of the Priesthood School will go out today. All lessons will be prerecorded as well as the live part which will be available for replay. Since the school is made to last 4 weeks you can still register. Last week I taught on The New Jerusalem, Holiness in the New Jerusalem and Gematria and how it relates to the priesthood in the book of Revelation. This weeks topics are: The Priestly 24 elders, The Priesthood of the 144,000 and The Divisions of the Priest🔥🩸✝️Link to register 👉🏾…
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Secrets of the Prophet Elijah: Holy Silence
Just like Moses, God tells Elijah to go up a mountain and that God himself will appear. While on top of the mountain Elijah experiences an earthquake, a strong wind and a fire. However the Lord is not in any of these things. Then afterwards Elijah hears "a still small voice" 1Kings 19:12
The word translated in Hebrew for still is demamah which means silent rather than still. The other word small or in Hebrew daqqah means something so small you can barely hear it at all.
It is so silent that really you can hear nothing. One Bible even translates it as " a sound of deafening silence" which is closest to the Hebrew and it's original meaning.
If you spend at least 10 minutes of silence a day with God it will train you to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit and to hear the Lord's voice more accurately. You'd be surprised how hard it is to be in silence, not just outward silence but inwardly as well.
Elijah did this and was able to detect the presence of God from practicing silence. This is also something that the new age has stolen from God. But, it was originally God's to begin with.
Try to sit with God with your heart focused on Jesus, but in total silence around you and in your mind. It is a spiritual discipline, but with Christ it is possible. Elijah would have had to be completely silent like this to recognize that God was present in the complete silence.
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The Spirit of Glory is an Apostolic and Prophetic End-Times Movement.
🙏✨ Here, we unravel the mysteries and uncover the power of The Priesthood of all Believers, a concept that revolutionizes our intimacy with Jesus!
🔍 🔥As 1 Peter 2:9 states But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession.
💡🕊️Through Powerful Prayers, Anointed Teachings, End Times Prophecy and more! We will navigate the depths of The Priesthood of all Believers.
👑✝️It's time to let the Holy Spirit train us as holy priests.
✨🙌 Welcome to God’s sacred space. Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of host Zechariah 4:6