I started making videos with cat memes yesterday and I like it very much so I thought "HMM LET'S MAKE SOMETHING FROM THESE"
and I made what everyone makes, ✨a road trip✨. (I'll do other stuff when the road trip series is finished)
And because you can't find too much tutorials on YouTube, I'mma show you how to: download green screen memes
FIRST-download 🟢screen memes:
First you go to YouTube and search your meme on a green screen(it works for effects too), then you're going to copy the link of the video, you're gonna search on google "", click on the first site and then insert the video link in the empty space.
Click one of those options of downloading that works for you(for me it was 720mp4)
And then go to " my files" and see if the meme is there"