We're a vibrant multicultural/multigenerational family-oriented community of Christians from all social backgrounds, nationalities and works of life, who've found freedom, purpose and true love in Christ.
Our mission & vision - To be a living, visible demonstration of the Kingdom of God
Linktree: linktr.ee/solidrockcentre
Service Time:
You can Join us at 11am (GMT) every Sunday in Person or Online
Midweek Service hold every Friday at 7pm (GMT)
Contact us:
Email: info@solidrockdublin.org
Address: 6B Goldenbridge Industrial Estate, Inchicore, Dublin 8, Ireland
Whatsapp: 00353 89 438 3331
Thank you for your giving:
Paypal: www.paypal.com/paypalme/solidrockcentre?locale.x=e…
IBAN: IE23 BOFI 9033 6590 5850 99
#SolidRockCentreDublin #EvangelicalChristian #ChurchService #Ireland