I caught my first fish, a bluegill, at the age of 5 using a cane pole and bobber in my grandfather's pond in SE Nebraska. Growing up in Colorado, my dad and I frequently fished for trout in our local rivers and the beaver ponds near the mine where he worked. At the age of 17, an older friend took me fly fishing for the first time. We fished Tenmile creek, near Copper Mountain, and I still remember catching my first fish on a dry...a size 14 royal wulff. Needless to say I was hooked.
Since then, my fly fishing adventures have taken me all across the western United States including guiding in both Alaska and Oregon, chasing steelhead in British Columbia, fly casting competitions, and pursuing bonefish, tarpon and permit in Belize.
Fly fishing has been a major passion in my life now for over 30 years and I’m excited to now bring some of my adventures to you.
My videos are meant for entertainment purposes only and are in no way instructional. Do not attempt yourself.