This is the official Youtube channel of Koroush Azimzadeh.
Koroush Azimzadeh is Tataloo’s agent.
Copyright © 2022 by Koroush Azimzadeh.
All rights reserved. This channel's contents or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the content owner.
DMCA - § 512(f) Misrepresentations Section 512(f) deters false claims of infringement by imposing liability on anyone who makes such claims, for the damages suffered by other parties as a result of the OSP's reliance on the false claim, and for associated legal fees.
کانال رسمی کوروش عظیم زاده در یوتیوب
تمام حقوق این کانال متعلق به کوروش عظیم زاده می باشد.
تمامی محتوای این کانال، حسب مورد، دارای مجوزهای لازم از مراجع مربوطه میباشند.
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