Today on 3 Live is the only television channel on mobile to make you feel good about your life. What to watch, what tunes to download, what realtune to have without getting beaten up and what celebrities to moan about. If you've got a "What?" then you've got to Watch! Tackling Popbitch with a kick to the face and putting T4 in a headlock, Danann Breathnach, Ortis Deeley and Olivia Lee will make you want to glue your mobile to your face and watch the daily Today on 3 Live show whenever you can.
Once a week ETV will compile a best of Today on Three Live show that will incorporate comedy sketches, interviews, video inserts and studio chat. This will reflect the daily content of the show for any of you who don't have a 3 mobile phone to watch the show. You can exclusively watch the show everyday for FREE if you subscribe to 3.