Ali ibn Abu Talib asws is deen complete
Ameer-ul-Momaneen Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib asws. said,
"I am the purpose of prayer itself, whether at home or when traveling. I am the purpose of fasting, and the sacred anniversaries in the months of the year. I am the Lord of Resurrection and Judgment, the One who can remove the yoke that lies heavy on the people of Muhammadsaww. I am the Gate through which all shall pass who worship God".
(An Extract from Khutbat-ul-Iftikhár)
aliun waliullah ke munkaroon par lanat
azadri matamdari ke munkaroon par lanat
azadar sayedzadoon or azadar ummatioon ko imambarghoon say ban karnay waloon or onn kay sath danay waloon umatioon par lanat