I do not own the rights to the prayers or the music in the videos.
My name is Soni Leon.Jesus is my Lifeline Ministry.
(Mathew 6:6 ) I love to be in my secret place with Jesus in prayer.
I'm a vessel for Jesus. Working for improvement every day. Anointed to serve. My youtube channel was created to help others through praying the word of God. Showing and helping all those who might not be able to read the word to pray it. A walk of a Christ follower is a walk of learning and repentance because we are not perfect. Our perfection comes through Jesus Christ. I have chosen to be dedicated to Jesus and be used by the Holy Spirit.❤️ I have high greatfulness to my God, my father, for giving me a chance to live through a kidney transplant. To wake up every day is a gift.To love one another is a choice of our free will. Be blessed today!