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Slick Goku

309K subscribers - no pronouns :c

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in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Slick Goku
Posted 1 year ago

Hello everyone Prince Vegeta here uploading One of Reggie's last VR Chat videos it will be up Saturday I hope to see you all there!

2.3K - 100

Slick Goku
Posted 1 year ago

Thank you all for getting Super Saiyan Rizz to 100K. I wanted to share with you all the OG thumbnail that was made by the animator ā€Ŗ@SouljenX7ā€¬ for the video it was more comedic. Take a look.

I hope it brings you a smile. Have a wonderful day everyone!

7K - 150

Slick Goku
Posted 1 year ago

Hello everyone, its Prince Vegeta thanks to the help of Reggieā€™s family I have access to his YouTube channel I will be helping manage It for his family as best I can.
This video was one of Reggieā€™s last videos he fully produced before he passed thanks to the help of the animator, I was able to upload it and share it with you all.

There are a few videos Reggie was working on before he passed, and I will do my best to recover them with the help of his team and his family recovering any files that I can to make sure you all got to see what he had planned for you all.

I am also in control of the 2GS Bootlegged channel I am in the process of getting all of his abridged works and will try to get this all set I am thinking we can put all of Reggieā€™s files in a fan archive so everyone will always be able to enjoy his content I have talked to the family to maybe setting it up so people on Patreon will be able to do this I am considering other choices too all money to the channels funds and Patreon have been sit to change to the family.

I want to thank you all for watching and supporting my best friend through the years he loved each and every one of you donā€™t forget the wonderful times you have had with Reggieā€™s videos and content and continue to ā€œMake Movesā€ thatā€™s what he would have wanted.

As far as I know this is his very last song that he ever created.

2.1K - 100

Slick Goku
Posted 2 years ago

I truly want to thank everyone for taking the time to share their wonderful thoughts about my dear son Reggie.
All your comments filled my heart with some sense of joy.
When I read how he touched your lives, that truly brought me some comfort. I also want to thank you for your kind donations, it truly was amazing! It helped alleviate some of the stress and burdens that this great loss caused.
With all the love and support everyone gave, words can't express the gratitude that I feel.
I thank every one of you from the bottom of my heart.
It's so amazing to know my son was loved by so many people. Justin, I truly appreciate you setting up this go fund page, it allowed me to feel the love everyone had for Reggie.
Also, those who were able to attend the memorial in person or via zoom truly helped me get through the worst time of my life, thank YOU so much! I also, appreciate all of Reggieā€™s friends who came from out of town to attend Reggieā€™s memorial, JB, Michael, Christine, Aryn and Mystic, and the rest of Reggieā€™s dear friends, thank you!

The words of this song we sang at the memorial brought me great comfort and I hope you enjoy it. (Job 14:13-15)
1. Life, like a mist, appears for just a day,

Then disappears tomorrow.

All that we are can quickly fade away,

Replaced with tears and sorrow.

If a man should die, can he live again?

Hear the promise God has made:


He will call; The dead will answer.

They shall live at his command.

For he will have a longing

For the work of his own hand.

So have faith, and do not wonder,

For our God can make us stand.

And we shall live forever,

As the work of his own hand.

2. Friends of our God, though they may pass away,

Will never be forsaken.

All those asleep who in Godā€™s memā€™ry stay,

From death he will awaken.

Then weā€™ll come to see all that life can be:

Paradise eternally.


He will call; The dead will answer.

They shall live at his command.

For he will have a longing

For the work of his own hand.

So have faith, and do not wonder,

For our God can make us stand.

And we shall live forever,

As the work of his own hand.

(See also John 6:40; 11:11, 43; Jas. 4:14.)

8K - 587

Slick Goku
Posted 2 years ago Eren Vs Optimus is up! Uncensored version on patreon in the video description

1.2K - 364

Slick Goku
Posted 2 years ago

Choose wisely

2.3K - 394

Slick Goku
Posted 2 years ago

Next weekšŸ˜ˆ

4.7K - 166

Slick Goku
Posted 2 years ago

Uncensored Optimus Meets Eren Jaeger is now on patreon for early access aite now I sleep

1.4K - 58

Slick Goku
Posted 2 years ago

Gimmie your hardest Dragon ball hot takes yo!

2.1K - 510

Slick Goku
Posted 2 years ago

FELLOW CONTENT CREATORS READ YOUR EMAILS NOW! Youtubes new tos will allow them to Thanos your channel unless you agree to this. Spread the word my saiyans.

1.4K - 115