in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
How would you guys feel about a writing stream? I've been putting what few health points I have into author stuff but I could potentially stream again if y'all would be down for me to write at the same time!
Maybe a stream like "writing a book but i have to use every donation message idea"? So you guys can mess with my draft while I fight tooth and nail to keep it cohesive
Lmk what you think and maybe I'll see if I can set it up :3
Might be funnNnn!
Author blog is ellierenae on Tumblr btw >:]
512 - 22
not to disappear only to come back and do little experiments on you but would you rather...
186 - 10
I've been so busy being sicky icky and trying to manage chores on top of that that I haven't been able to film anything like I'd hoped, but I'm back on my old PC from forever ago and I found some old unreleased videos! They probably weren't released because they weren't up to the quality standard I went for at the time, but they're pretty nostalgic now (except on that was fairly recent, explaining where I've been and what being sick is like).
Should I post them- even if they're not the best- for nostalgia's sake?
118 - 10
HEY GUYS! Not dead! Your local ASMR alien is very much alive! I'm thinking of doing more Sims content or... a very chaotic little series I have in mind... 👀
In the meantime PLEAAAASE check out my silly little writing career. I would mean the world to me, and if my new book goes any higher in the LGBTQ Scifi charts I will kiss every single one of your little names on my screen TWICE. It's a high concept time travel romance with so much art and love in every page and I KNOW YOU ALL LOVE SCIFI AND ALIENS 💚
You can buy the paperback but you don't even need to if you don't have the money! I have a cute little digital download that you choose the cost of! Even $0, no credit card info, NOTHING!
Thanks for reading and thanks for staying subscribed during my content lulls. Kissing you all on the forehead a gazillion times.
Smooch smooch smooch.
216 - 14
Hello friends and sworn enemies! It has been a long, long time, so I thought I'd update you on where I am now.
First of all, I'm incredibly sick, not in a contagious way, but in a "oh dear, my body seems to be crumbling beneath me!" kind of way. I am now bedridden, and I will not go into any more details than that because, and I cannot emphasize this enough, NONE OF YOU ARE MY DOCTOR!!! Some of you all sure like to pretend you are (sworn enemies). Second, with my newly-found free time, I have been making digital art, writing, and crocheting, all from the "comfort" of my own bed ( updates on that at ). I'm really proud of the things I've been making, too! So far the crochet-count is comprised of three blankets (two of them exactly the right size for a wheelchair), two pillows, a big plush strawberry, a bouquet of lavender for a friend, some twine, and a plush mouse with a red ribbon around her neck. I've also made cute templates for taking notes on therapy, which I mostly created for myself, but they are on my Etsy. You can look for it yourself, if you'd like. I know it's on TheFunkyLesbian, but I am tooo tired to find the link. Lastly, my creative writing, reading, and book binding hobby have had too much progress to cram into a couple sentences, so I'll just say... BIG PROGRESS! VERY PROUD! (And little teensy weensy progress, in the case of some miniatures I made for a mini bookshelf.)
Skip over this next paragraph if you have moths coming out of your pockets like me!!
Okay, have you/they skipped it? Yes? Great, here we go. If you'd like to fund my rest, I do have a paypal ( ) and I would be glad to e-mail you back if you send something with a message, though it may take me a little bit to get to it, depending on my condition. Also, since my birthday is coming up, I'll also put my Amazon wishlist here, in case anyone with the means wants to get me a treat. (… ). I'm going to be 25 on April 5th, can you believe that?? A quarter century! An ancient! A god, perhaps?
No pressure to either of these things, of course. I may be bedridden, but I'm under no illusions that I'm the only one going through hard times. You owe me nothing, be free :') <3
Also, it's been a long, long time since I've been able to produce a video, but I hope those of you who miss them are still enjoying the old ones in my absence. If I were to recommend one right now, it would be "magical girl organizes her papers" (or something to that effect). It's one of the few that never gained too much traction that I am also very, very proud of. I even watch it myself, sometimes!
Speaking of which, would you guys still be interested in videos if I had to, like... turn off the comments? I'm not sure even that would calm down my anxiety, but I miss making stuff with my evil little hands.
And... that's all for now. See you around, friends+enemies <3
189 - 9
Guys, it's happening!
My first book is almost in the Top 100 for Fiction Short Reads, and I'm about to faint. It would mean so much for the potential for my passion to become a viable career- for me to stop needing food stamps and disability payments.
Please get yourself a copy, whether it's through paperback, eBook, KindleUnlimited, or a KindleUnlimited free trial.
Those chaotic pages are so chock full of love, meta, and meaning. You won't regret it, unless you don't appreciate me reaching out of your screen to give you a hug and a kiss. In that case, you might regret it a little.
Here is the book! A review (including on a KindleUnlimited copy) would mean the world to my writer heart AND my successes, because a handful of good reviews would mean I can start submitting the story to book review/promotion websites. guys are just casually making my dreams come true, NBD :')
259 - 12
So, it's no secret I've been gone (due to being so very, very ill) but what WAS a secret was that I had been working on a book to pass the migraine-nausea-sad-times! It is now available internationally on Amazon as both paperback and eBook, and I am so, so proud that I've somehow come full circle to being embarrassed again </3
(18+ as it gets somewhat RUDE and SPICY)
I hope you pick up a copy, and I hope it means even half as much to you as it has meant to me :')
236 - 23
Psst! You're the first I've told about this... 👀
I've moved out! This is as big of a risk as it is an opportunity, seeing as I'm disabled and cannot work a regular job, so I'll be doing freelance editing to try to scrape together rent money. If you need someone to pour over your Google Docs (anything from research papers to screenplays) I would be so happy to do it. Keep me in mind. Share this link around with your friends who mix up their homonyms and have an essay due at midnight. Give them a hug. They're probably stressed.
Thank you. Love you. See you soon. 💖
189 - 10
This is a very weird ASMR channel, made by a very weird ASMRtist.
Expect aliens. Expect vampires. Expect everything from unsettling to ridiculous.
Regular videos come out on Fridays at 7pm, PST.
SciFi videos come out the first Sunday of every month, also at 7pm, PST.
...I love you.