God bless you ALL abundantly IN JESUS NAME💖!.. I am a child of God in Jesus Christ who's only mission is to point the Lost back to Christ!.. to give you the Good News of his Wonderful SALVATION OFFERED TO ALL!!..that there is only one name given under heaven by which man must be saved (Acts 4:12).. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ..(John 1:17).. so I plead with you to turn back to the Way, Truth & Life (John 14:6).. stay away from strange meat (false doctrine)!.. if you compromise the word of God which was given to you at the first and believe not on Him who was sent as a propitiation for our sins, this will cost us eternally..(John 8:24).. LET NO ONE DECIEVE YOU, FOR FALSE PROPHETS WILL ARISE AND HAVE RISEN IN THESE TIMES AND ARE BEWITCHING MANY..(Matthew 24:4-31, Galatians 3:1).. return to Jesus and reconcile yourself back to God beloved, (John 1:12).. He is waiting for you to Call on His name..
blessings 💞