The literature of Rick Harsch. Rick Harsch is also the chief editor of corona\samizdat press, initiated in April, 2020. See for further information.
Book titles: The Manifold Destiny of Eddie Vegas; Walk Like a Duck, a Season of Little League Baseball in Italy; Skulls of Istria; The Driftless Trilogy (including The Driftless Zone, Billy Verite, and The Sleep of Aborigines); Arjun and the Good Snake, an Ophidiological Account of Six Weeks in India without Alcohol, all by Rick Harsch; An Angel of Sodom and the Vardeman Flip Book, by David Vardeman;; Unidentified Man at left of photo, by Jeff Bursey; Cynicism Management by Bori Praper; Raging Joys, Sublime Violations and Wake Up. We're Almost There by Chandler Brossard; and vol. 1 of The Assassination of Olof Palme, an anthological novel by Rick Harsch and at least 70 others. #smallpress #authortube #booktube