in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
2024/8/24 (更)
- 目前主要的裝備配置如下:一套靈魂加巔峰三大招為主攻,另一套是魔矢加巔峰三大招為主攻;基本上會依照不同MVP的屬性跟種族去彈性調整 (或是看心情)。
- 技能跟能力值分配僅供參考,因為每個人對技能的優劣看法不同,在此不多做評論。
- 其他法系職業的裝備皆是共用,差別只在於武器,而忍者多了秘術套。
- (免責聲明) 照抄後覺得不實用,不要來找我。
August 24, 2024 (Updated)
- For my primary build, I primarily use a Soul Vulcan Strike (SVS) with Climate level 3, combined with 'All Bloom' and 'Violent Quake.' For my secondary build, I use Crimson Arrow with Climate level 3, also combined with 'All Bloom' and 'Violent Quake.' I generally switch between these setups depending on the MVP's race and attributes, or simply based on my mood.
- This is just a suggestion. Everyone has different opinions as to the best skills, so I won't comment further on this.
- Most of my gear are shared with other magic classes, with the only difference being the weapon, and Ninjas having the additional 'Secret Ninjutsu set'.
- (Disclaimer) Don't come crying to me if you copy this and find it useless.
16 - 9
個人實際測試結果,其呈現的傷害的確不太符合 lv.5 1500%/3000% 的技能倍率。
15 - 16
* A Ragnarok Online player who loves magic-based classes on the Chaos server.