Unapologetically Panafrican. This channel is for all people to learn grow, and most importantly act!
Black people are exploited all over the world, whether it be mineral resources, human capital resources, economic resources . Appropriation.
Don't agree, history class? Current events?
Tru or na? If nah, give me some examples.
What's more, people try to erase and distort real history, adding insult to injury.
My message is simple,let's unite around our commonalities. Recognize when you yourself are being played like a cog for the 'illusion'. Learn your history.
Africa is the vanguard. If you proudly African-diasporan, you should find your tribe.
africanancestry.com - they don't keep your DNA (I'm Balanta, btw those who resisted)
Join a Pan-African organization. baf.solutions is one, but there are many others.
Buy Black, support one another. naspora.com , buyblackmainstreet.com,buyblack.us ...
We love humanity, that's why we don't want them2lie to themselves. #panafrican #rbg