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I love Improv, music, TV, art, puppetry,the paranormal, an

Cheer up, wake up your puppets #catsarethebestpets #catlovers morning chat with Willow. I guess they shoveled the bus shelter . But sidewalk leading to it.. Xander the cat hole #catsarethebestpets #catlovers #catholes I ordered a MOOG Theremini . #thereminist #MOOGtheramini #dilvinitathereminist Another improv Xander song. Watch to the end. Trust.#catsarethebestpets #cats #dilvinitaspuppetposse #catlovers #catsarethebestpets #improvisation #manspreadingpets Improv song for Xander cleaning his ass. #tuxedotwins #catlovers #dilvinitaspuppetposse three more tiles for the global roots mural. #canadanaturesdream #globalrootsproject #muralmosaic Tuxedo twins #dilvinitaspuppetposse #catshorts #catsarethebestpets #willowandxander #dilvinitaspuppetposse #esme #esmepuppet #puppet#funnypuppet #improvpuppet Polly pocket Addams Family. #dilvinitaspuppetposse #pubbetminis #puppeteering #puppetry Got the Pubbet minis! Cats can be your furry therapist #dilvinitaspuppetposse #invideoai #sillycats #catlovers #cats #cat #cat #brushingcatteeth Xander and Willow getting teef brushed. #tuxedocats #catlovers Esme checking in #snarkypuppets #dilvinitaspuppetposse #esmepuppet #dilvalisapuppeteer #puppetry Menopause,or curse? #facts #invideoai #aiad #womenhelpingwomen #womenempowerment Make your pet cats into puppets! #facts #snarkypuppets #invideo #cats #dilvinitaspuppetposse How to be a living ghost #invideoai #funnyghosts #divinitasweird #sillyspooky #spookydoll #funghosts Use Necromancy with Puppetry! #puppets #invideoai #fakecommercials #snarkypuppets #funnyshorts #fakecommercials #aiad #zealots #crazy #biblethumper #dilvinita #trappedinelevator #stuckfor30 @Dilvnita #cleanerstuckinelevator. It was only 30 mins invideo Ai vid about do we kiss and hug our pets too much? #aiad #aiad #propuppets #puppet #puppeteerlife @dilvinita wazzup? #pubbets #puppet #dilvinitaspuppetposse #randompuppet #snarkypuppets #cheap Esme's Thought of the day this one has a SPECIAL guest! @dilvinita Esme's thought of the day . protecting butts that don't belong to puppets. Esmerelda has a dark sense of humour Esmerelda has a nickname #globalrootsproject #muralmosaic #blossom #@globalrootsproject Dilvinita as AI Marvy J outtake Xander the cat loves watching Slapped Ham LIVING DEAD DOLLS: THE SHINING, GRADY TWINS Wtf is up with you, Xander? Willow Shadow slayer Tetchy kitties So, I look over and see this... Of course I have to record it Xander takes Willow's spot . Willows really into the Jazz unfortunately I'm not a fan Willow is eating my hair the last days of the tweet toy Kitties giving each other baths Kitty shenanigans Kitties with laser pointer possibly that's what this is Willow and her wand creepy ass