Charm Tunes is a singer and songwriter from Myanmar (Burma). He started his music career in 2011 as a solo artist. Soon after that, he started working with other musicians as a group named "Era". He debuted in "The New Era" album and since then, he has been active in the music industry. His music can be best described as a blend of Hip-Hop , RnB and Pop.
In 2019, he and 3 other musicians formed a band "Nebula". At first, Charm Tunes took the role of Frontman and Player. Later, there were changes in the band members. In the middle of 2020, he left the frontman role to another band member and still remained in the band as a player.
He is a medical doctor on the other hand, who is splitting his time between medicine and music. And also because of the tight schedules, he made music in a regular and steady pace.
He set his artist name as Charm Tunes in 2021 and also became a solo artist again. He committed great effort in his music and has been making more Charm Tunes-ish music till date.