Fluoride ....The Hidden Poison
NeuroToxin in Cola, Water, Food, it Microscopic Aluminum Lead Arsenic etc, they catch it as if flyies out the top of the Stacks at At Aluminum Plants and Fertilizer Plants with a Wet Spray, Mist of Water it fall into a Vat they then put it in Tanker Trucks and Drive it around to Water boards and sell it
Saying its good for your TEETH, 50 % of what You take in each day stays in some organ, especially the Pineal gland in the Brain, Damaing thinking Ability 25% up to Alzeheimers Disease, Visit Nursing Homes Thousnds of Humans with no MIND left
Its damaging every Organ in Human Dog , Cat and they have Paid MultiMillons to Horse owners
Many Class Action Law Suits Pending for Damage to Baby Brains etc see Scientific Reports and Films at
www.FluorideAlert.org and FluorideAction.
watch films Austin Texas Common Folks stood up to Evil Scientist got Fluoride Banned on 2 Dec 2009
On Cola its listed as Sodium, should show Sodium Fluoride, and if You watch the Films close at FluorideAlert, Professional Perspectives and 28 min Films interview with Bryson the book THE FLUORIDE DECEPTION, Yu see them change the name from Hexafluorsilic ACID to Sodium Fluoride
This Evolved from Hitlers Mind Control Scientist see Operation Paper Clip, Code name Artichoke, MkUltra, see Cathy O'Brian, see Project Monarch, see marsboy683
See how they stole our Money system FIAT EMPIRE
NWO is using depleted Uranium 238 in each Bomb in IRAQ, Afganistan, Our Soldiers and British Soldiers are breathing the Dust drinking the Water, Its Changing DNA, they will die Terrible Deaths, Babies are already being Born with 3 heads from 1st Gulf War,
How to Protect Yourself, see my Film showing the bottle of Magnesium