I've been creating sounds to help tinnitus for over 12 years. I cofounded the non-profit Tinnitus Hub, co-authored research papers, represented patients at research conferences, supported people with tinnitus and am on the patient board of Tinnitus Quest.
This channel is for sounds and music I create to help tinnitus. Most are experiments based on techniques that have been featured in scientific papers, but I also make them based on experimenting on myself when I find sounds that help. Some sounds may work better than others for you, some may not work for you at all. There are no rules, you have to experiment to find what works for you.
I've had tinnitus since around 2003. It started off as a quiet sound in one ear, then I got a tone in the other ear, then developed an intermittent low rumble. These days it's quite loud and I have many tones. I've habituated to it mostly but it still isn't easy, I have good and bad days and I mourn the loss of silence.