Ninja Hoops is a traveling hula-hoop duo based out of Oakland, CA. Their distinctive hooping style incorporates elements of martial arts, classical acrobatics, and silly clowning. Their mission? Teaching people of all ages how to free their bodies, hearts and minds, through empowered play. Formed in 2010, Zach and Marria have taught and performed at events across North America, from Fire Drums to Hoop Convergence, and everywhere in between. Their debut workshop, Acro-Hooping, garnered a 2011 Revolvie for Best Workshop, and recently they were awarded the 2013 Hoopie for Performance Group of the Year. Their act is recognized for combining hooping, acrobatics, and partner flips in an inspirational display of their unique talents and their solid connection.
Zach and Marria offer workshops year-round that teach participating students a variety of movement arts. They are experienced instructors who are more than capable of teaching even the most advanced material to the n