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The Geebai Team 擊敗人團隊

76K subscribers - no pronouns :c

黃明志工作室新頻道 【擊敗人團隊 The Geebai Team】 是團隊們為了紀錄大家的神經病日常所開的頻道。鬼才黃明

YoungCaptain cheated with a fan?隊長被爆婚内出軌女粉絲?#shorts Harith Iskander arrested for joking about "HAM"?大馬諧星調侃“清真火腿事件”遭舉報?#shorts 大馬UNIQLO壓榨員工?#shorts California fire conspiracy theories?美國加州大火災陰謀論?#shorts Eason Chan canceled concert in Thailand due to trafficking scams?園區密報太嚇人?陳奕迅取消泰國演唱會?#shorts Malaysians fight for 100 million TOTO!大馬多多六合彩獎金破億!#shorts Squid Games actor accidentally posted JAV version of the show?《魷魚遊戲》演員錯PO ”AV版“ 遭停工?#shorts 美國“TikTok難民”湧向小紅書被要求堅持“一個中國”政策?#shorts Best Moments of The GB Team 2024!Namewee團隊大回顧!和黃明志工作原來是這樣的... #shorts Namewee snake prank!惡整黃明志?蛇出來了真嚇人!#shorts Yum Seng!Namewee teaches you how to drink brandy!黃明志教你威士忌和白蘭地的差別!ft. Jf Dominic #shorts Dancing CNY song during Christmas?聖誕節跳過年歌【蛇出來了】?#shorts Bollywood dancing to Namewee's CNY Song?寶萊塢也一起【蛇出來了】?#shorts Afro dancing Namewee's CNY Song?外國人也一起【蛇出來了】?#shorts Namewee really can't dance... 黃明志練舞練到崩潰?【蛇出來了】比【科目三】難?#shorts Who killed the CATS in Univerity Malaya?馬大虐貓案是狗狗所為?#shorts Youtuber drunk fighting?林尚進酒後打架隨地小便?#shorts Malaysian girl sued by Labubu?女子抽獎批Labubu假貨挨告?#shorts Youtuber fighting at backstage?拳上2024後台"第七回合"?#shorts Singer unveils China's united front tactics?《中國老總》歌手踢爆中國統戰手段?#shorts Robinhood or Murderer?現代羅賓漢還是殺人犯?#shorts Don't mess with women!不要得罪女人!女子用62頁PPT揭發男友出軌?#shorts Korea's shortest martial law in history?南韓6小時戒嚴陰謀論?#shorts Being a singer is so busy!當歌手有多辛苦?演唱會團隊 VS 黃明志工作大對比!#shorts Team Namewee's snowing Christmas Party!黃明志團隊聖誕節派對下雪了?!#shorts Namewee's backstage becomes a temple?遲到的"特別待遇"?演唱會後台香火鼎盛!#shorts Beach ball session almost CANCELED?演唱會狀況連連?超大氣球竟是黃明志經紀人手動充氣?#shorts Who is Namewee's "girlfriend"?揭秘黃明志“女朋友”的真實身分? #shorts Thai aunties try Malaysia's sesame oil... 給泰國按摩Aunty試吃馬來西亞麻油?結果... #shorts Namewee got a stomachache midshow?黃明志演唱會到一半肚子痛?經紀人慌了... #shorts When we can't stand this Geebai People anymore!擊敗人!我們忍你很久了! #shorts Fans fighting at Joker Xue's concert?薛之謙演唱會台下女粉鬥毆?#shorts “APT.” FAKE live in MAMA?《APT.》首度合體演出全程靠錄播?原唱有在場啊... #shorts Protesting using Haka in parliament?紐西蘭國會毛利族議員哈卡舞抗議?#shorts CHAGEE's controversial lucky draw event?手搖飲抽獎送名牌包被暴員工舞弊?#shorts 日馬網紅夫婦傳婚變雙出軌?#shorts Did Firdhaus cheat on his girlfriend?菲道爾被前女友爆劈腿?#shorts 特朗普當選美國總統是好事還是壞事?#shorts YouTuber caught cheating with his senior?大馬網紅被女友突襲拍到與學姐出軌?#shorts Namewee's playboy songs?黃明志自彈自唱的“渣男歌曲”?旁邊同事在内涵誰... #shorts 太可愛了!黃明志看見袋鼠"少女心"爆棚?#shorts Please stop reporting on Alice and Adeline!懇請大家不要再報導Alice 和 Adeline 姐妹了!#shorts Malaysian singer couple forced to breakup?《在加納共和國離婚》合唱情侶分手背後另有其因?#shorts What happened to One Direction's Liam Payne?1世代團員到底發生什麼事?#shorts Will (G)idle disband?小娟不續約?!(G)idle 面臨解散?#shorts 《Joker 2》shouldn't be a musical?《小丑2》竟然惡評如潮?!音樂劇是個錯的選擇?#shorts P.diddy Fxxxed up... 美國巨型 #metoo?!P.diddy 闖大禍了... #shorts Walk Bell John Awards fxxked up again?!走鐘獎ㄎㄠˊㄙㄟˋ蔡阿嘎AB合約風波出大包?#shorts