yo yo yo, my name's Omario
i try to rap but usually failio
i may be asian but that doesnt matter
i swear judge i wasnt the one behind the slaughter
yo go ahead and subscribe to me right now and watch a video
or else no noodle cookie for you
i might change my name from omario786 to Mr Omario soon
my pfp used to be shrek and my description used to be " I AM SHREK" but due to reasons i must change it
lets get to 1000 subs so i unlock community posts so i can show those dank memes to all you beautiful hoomans
12/7/2020 - 81 subscribers
tryna get famous in corona be like
i might do a face reveal also cause you know why not
12/8/2020 my description was changed
12/20/2020 90-95 subs reached
12/26/2020 WE REACHED 100 SUBS