Financial educations is serious lacking in today's education system but it is so important in our everyday lives. Money has even become a taboo and is always related to greed and evil. People say things like money can't buy happiness but it sure makes it easier to be happy. It is not evil, it is just a tool that you can use to get the things you want.
My channel is dedicated to talking about money and financial independence through real estate. My goal is to help you along your goal is financial freedom (not having to rely on a job to live). The truth is that the rich are educating themselves and their kids on how to become more rich while the poor and middle class are dreaming about how to go to college and get a good job. The rich learn to use their money to make money so they can free up their time while the poor pay to learn how to work for the rich. We need to break out of social norms and secure our own freedom.