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Crystal Dee Light

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Daily Motivation for The Kingdom of God Socials: @countryclu

“That’s Cute Or Whatever” #sing YOUR #song “Don’t Be Scared” #bebold #kingdom #business “Made For THIS” #weoutside “Experience is the BEST Teacher” ( #the #hard #way ) “Well-Rounded” ( #know your #audience ) “Hard-Headed” (They will only #listen to YOU.) “Sharpen Your Skills” “It Could’ve Been You” “Exhaustion Is A Weapon” “Loyalty Is Everything” #rosepetals #onwednesdayswewearpink “Free Labor” “Take A Seat” “It’s A Wrap” “They Lied To You” “Big Blessed” “A New Life” “A New Name” #big #texas #haha #comingsoon #confirmation #top #secret “New Song” #fasting #praying #strange #unusual #unexpected “Favor Isn’t Fair” #righteous #onthespot #purpose #game #winner #winning #dubbing #kingdom #tough “Your FINALLY has Arrived” (You’ve Held On Long Enough) #time #now #finally #holdon #ripple #effects “Always Be A Lady” #rare #treasure #lady #chinup #children #future #rolemodel #kingdom #fashion “Only The Strong Survive” #former #missing #person #found #alive #barely #truestory #reallife “It’s Just Stuff” #liveyourbestlife “Be Gone” #provethemwrong “I’m Rooting For You” #pain #purpose #please #believe #believeinyourself #love #liar #fake #survivor “Prison Break” #prisoner #no #more #running #nomore #walking #that #walk #hard #but #worthit “Turn Around” #faceit #trauma #turnaround #home #in #christ #youcandoit #stop #running “It Was Always YOU” #yes #you #brave #resilient #amazing #unstoppable #force #theone #remember #me “Pick Up Where You Left Off” #justdoit #write #journal #tellyourstory #freeyourmind #healyoursoul “Tell Your Story” #horrorstories #movie #action #fearnot #be #fearless #heavenlybeings #godiswithyou “Blood In Blood Out” #ongang #gang #kingdom #bloodline #communion #funny #notfunny #watchthis #heavy “Faith Over Everything” (F.O.E.) #faith #havefaith #foe #standup #standfirm #kingdom #standard “We All We Got” #sticktogether #support #showlove #takeachance #yourewelcome #weallwegot #kingdom “Always Be Ready” (A.B.R.) #audition #stayready #opportunity #comingsoon #package #deal #action “What Are You Waiting For” #letsgo #time #wait #nomore #allgasnobrakes “Nothing To Prove” #justchill #action #dont #reply #whocares #you #win #again “Don’t Get Caught Slipping” #stayready #already #emptyhand #worship #caught #slipping #offering “Don’t Be Afraid To TELL” #tellyourstory #testify #tattletales #speakup #thetimeisnow “My Place of Safety” #psalms (Psalm 31:1-4) #dontbeshy #shame #speakup #testimony #godstiming BIG G “YOU are THE BAG” #heavenlybeings #getmoney #treasure #inside #letsgetit #cash #getintoit #letsgo “Keep It Moving” #surprise #itsme #keeppushing #yougotit #youcandoit #keepgoing #smile #dontgiveup “Be THE Sunshine” #sunshine #better #day #cloudy #nomore #spreadjoy #thelight #letyourlightshine “Keep Hope Alive” #faith #hope #love #waitforit #surprise #justforyou #feelbetter #soon #runnynose🤧 “It’s A DUBB” #always #be #winning #winner #dubbing “Love Me Like Christ” #love #reallove #christlike #standup #thatswhatshesaid “Do It Anyway” #why #thestruggleisreal #justdoit #push #for #the #kingdom “Forget About Yesterday” #startover #brandnew #day #liveyourbestlife #today “Christians are SO #mean #fake #christians #wwjd