Thanks for visiting my Channel.
Passion for travel and intent to share my journey , has evolved the vlogger in me. Most of my Travel will be in USA, because that is
the place where I stay now, but I intend to travel to as many countries as possible.
Travel Vlogging brings out the story teller in me and in most of my videos you will see me sharing a lot of details that I would
gather during my Travel. With an experience of just 10 countries, the Journey of travelling the world has started and I would be
delighted if you become a part of it from now on.
I love music and literature, and when I add travel to that, my idea of life and freedom seems to be complete. I would like my
videos to help you in planning budget travel , using public transport and try a lot of local cuisine.
To know more about me, please follow me on :
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Insta - shankstraveldiary
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