Tiny Cooking
โฃโฃโฃ"Chattem Kalom" is a channel to show miniature cooking show.In this channel we makes traditional Indian, Italian,Chinese and especially Keralas traditional food in minature style..โฃโฃ
โฃโฃ After starting cooking in the clay pot I thought of conducting a cooking session on healthy cooking in clay pots.โฃโฃ
โฃโฃ The health benefits of cooking in a clay pot are vast. Firstly, clay pots add many important nutrients like calcium, phosphorous, iron, magnesium and sulfur to food, which are extremely beneficial to our body. Clay is also alkaline and thus, acts neutralized the acidity in the food, which makes it easier for us to digest. Importantly, oil is not necessary for cooking in a clay pot and thus, it is observed that food cooked in clay pots are much lower in fat than food prepared in any other method.โฃโฃ
โฃโฃ Chatteem Kalom is fully entertainment channel to cook miniature way of style.โฃโฃ
Contact : veenaschatteemkalom@gmail.com