Awakening to spirit is to follow your intuition and trust your heart fully that you are on the right path for you. Intuition is higher self in action
I love how ambitious you're about healing and ascension, in here you'll find important information that will open new doors for you in every area of your life to assist you get there
Going backwards! memory is the place to start self control and from there you can bring it into your actions creating real changes in your life that will last and transform your life in ways that you'll not believe.
Tranquility will be the norm and restlessness will be part of the past in your life bringing balance to your heart quickly
Share the awakening with others as it will boost your own hold good intentions and it will purify your heart, mind, subconscious mind and spirit
Save the spirit because the spirit is you
Always seek proper advice by speaking to your higher self every day
Law of balance is the base idea for off grid living