Welcome to my channel:
OctoTrackerDominoes (Spreading domino project for everyone)
Welcome to OctoDominoes with multimedia domino performance with domino wall, structure, shape, picture, etc… The domino setup will be knocked down and create a wonderful chain reaction that brings emotions to all Vietnamese audiences and all entries worldwide to see spectacular domino setup ever seen before in Vietnam 🇻🇳
My performance will make dominoes videos on YouTube and YouTube shorts
My own domino
♦︎ My total dominoes are 12,300 wooden dominoes, 2000 Maria Lamping, 1000 mini Bulk, 800 Extra Random Dominoes, and 120 Plastic Rally Dominoes.
♦︎ Total: 16,420 Dominoes.
How did I get Lamping Domino and Bulk Dominoes?
♦︎ Maria Lamping Dominoes: You have to write with email: maria-lamping@web.de
♦︎ Bulk Dominoes: bulkdominoes.com
Let's keep in touch:
♦︎ If You have any more questions for collab, etc. Mail me with my email at
♦︎ octonautsdominoes10@gmail.com