The heart and brain maintain a continuous two-way dialogue, each influencing the other's functioning. Although it is not well known, the heart sends far more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart and the signals the heart sends to the brain can influence perception, emotional processing and higher cognitive functions. The heart also generates the strongest rhythmic electromagnetic field in the body and this actually can be measured in the brain waves of people around us.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
-Jimi Hendrix
"Look down at me and you see a fool; look up at me and you see a god; look straight at me and you see yourself"
-Charles Manson
"Using another as a means of satisfaction and security is not love. Love is never security; love is a state in which there is no desire to be secure; it is a state of vulnerability."
- J. Krishnamurti
"A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes."
"And as he spoke of understanding, I looked up and saw the rainbow leap with flames of many colors over me."
-Black Elk (Native American tribe, Lakota Sioux, Teacher)
"Earth does not belong to us; we belong to Earth"
-Chief Seattle (of the Native American Duwamish tribe)
"Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate."
-Chuang Tzu (Taoist teacher)
"I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky; then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of being a butterfly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man?"
-Chuang Tzu (Taoist teacher)
"Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness."
-Chuang Tzu (Taoist teacher)
"One who acts on truth is happy, in this world and beyond."
-Buddha ((Buddhism ascended master)
"The awakened sages call a person wise when all his undertakings are free from anxiety about results."
-Krishna (Hinduism ascended master)
"A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving."
Lao Tzu (Taoism ascended master)
"Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it."
-Confucius (Confucianism ascended master)
"If you want to be enlightened then lighten up on yourselves."
-Bashar (ET channeled through Darryl Anka)