I have over 45 years of gaming background. I have played over 10,000 different games in my lifetime, ranging from card games, board games, several pen and dice RPGs, tabletop miniature battle games, console games and PC games. I will be posting game, music and movie recommendations. I will not be doing reaction videos, but sharing content that has entertained me in my life. I listen to most genres of music from the 1920s to current day and I watch movies from classics, modern, to independent. I invite you to come view the spectacle of games, music, movies, anime and TV shows. I am currently about to start my first fund raiser to produce my first game release. Will be doing a detailed video soon. My goal is to have the game out by Christmas. I live in Las Vegas and perform magic on the street. I will post some of that later if anyone is interested. Welcome to Xaemos Xone. "Zay'Moss Zone"