Hello everyone here is my YouTube channel here you will find mainly the Fortnite stores of the day the packs that come out and the purchases that I made.
all that to see or to review for your greatest pleasure enjoy the 1080p format of course for optimal quality!
I'm counting on you to use my creator code at the same time it's always nice!
not hesitate to leave a comment I will try to answer all!
And of course the little like which is always a pleasure.
# Co-creator: Neoxshadows
#Pseudo in Game: Neoxshadows
#Codemap of my creation type BR Shadowland 8359-8823-8681
- have fun !
- Basically you missed a store? look no further you are in the right place!
thank you all you are the best
This video is featured by the Epicgames EpicPartner
🡆 Creator Code: Neoxshadows 💌