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Joanna Kujath

58K subscribers - no pronouns :c

More from this channel (soon)

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Joanna Kujath
Posted 5 months ago

NEW VIDEO tomorrow- How to Recognize the Narcissist Within

Many of us have wondered "what if I'm the narcissist?" this video I will be sharing a deeper perspective on this suspicion and discuss how contemplating this has helped me on my healing journey.

I feel we need to recontextualize the subject of narcissism and see it from a more mature and higher vantage point.

This is a major pivot that many may not be ready for.. Most of us have focused on "them" for so long but what about the inner landscape within us that's rarely spoken about?

It's time to turn inward for the answers now.. Are you ready ?

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Joanna Kujath
Posted 10 months ago

New Video this week!
I share my observations regarding our Narcissistic Culture and the same dysfunctional patterns of behavior that we experienced in personal relationships with narcissists & psychopaths, are now re-enacted globally on a mass scale.

If it's now blatantly obvious and you can see the
-mass psychosis
-blind allegiance to a perceived external authority
-socially engineered 'problem-reaction-solution' scenarios
-entrainment via repetition
-governmental demand to obey and conform
-mass paranoia
-corporate/medical/political tyranny
-targeted media smear campaigns
-amplification of division
and other agendas known to be played by pathological narcissists to ensure their domination and control of humanity

If this topic resonates with you and you're more interested in broadening your perspective of narcissism please leave me your email (either as a paid or free) member on Patreon

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Joanna Kujath
Posted 11 months ago

Thank you for your support over the years!

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Joanna Kujath
Posted 1 year ago

NEW VIDEO tomorrow! How can you tell if you are still fused with your narcissistic mother, or dysfunctional family?
Do you recognize these signs?
Do you find it difficult and somehow keep being pulled back into these controlling relationships?
Here are some helpful insights to accelerate your freedom from this enmeshment!

Just letting everyone know, I have just started a brand new Patreon page for private members

As a BONUS to this video there is an 'Enmeshment Checklist', a PDF in the members community.
For you to determine if, and how much you are enmeshed .. to assess how un/healthy a relationship is...
I hope you find these tools helpful!

I have also been busy behind the scenes, creating more content for those who would like to dive deeper
...available on Gumroad
(exclusive videos, two new eBooks, audio book, and the 1st Masterclass)

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Joanna Kujath
Posted 1 year ago

My new eBook is now available via Gumroad (please cut and paste this)

This content is for a more mature audience, that has a solid foundation & understands the topic of narcissism..
This is for someone who is tired of the superficial and repetitive narrative,
who is ready to pivot with me...
and is open to considering a deeper perspective...
about narcissistic abuse, healing, and how to raise our awareness on this arduous path.
I share many personal insights which I have not shared publicly.
I hope you enjoy this content and find it valuable.

I'd also love to hear your feedback on this perspective (veering into deeper aspects of trauma and understanding of how we were conditioned to repeat these patterns)

(Ps-as most of you know computers & technological "stuff" has always been challenging for me. Please let me know if you have any issues! Thanks for your support.. and patience. xx)

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Joanna Kujath
Posted 1 year ago

NEW VIDEO TOMORROW! Do you struggle with knowing who you are after narcissistic abuse? Have you 'lost' your identity, or perhaps never had one..? How do you "find yourself" , after only ever playing a role? And what is our true identity?

In this video I hope to offer you valuable insights.. about the challenges of this stage we inevitably must go through..

Is reclaiming your identity something that you struggle with? I look forward to your feedback about this topic

with love,

56 - 8

Joanna Kujath
Posted 1 year ago

NEW VIDEO tomorrow! Is there a connection to being enmeshed in toxic relationships and being chronically ill?

Do you suffer from random signs and symptoms when around the narcissist? Have you struggled to find a diagnosis that fits, or a treatment that actually works? Have you been overwhelmed by chronic fatigue, inflammatory disorders, autoimmune and digestive issues that don't seem to respond to recommended treatment?

In this video I will elaborate more on the mind-body connection, in the context of narcissistic abuse.

Let me know if you can relate to this or are curious to learn more..

warmest regards,

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Joanna Kujath
Posted 1 year ago

NEW VIDEO tomorrow! Are you starting to question what you've been told? Whether the advice you've been given is helpful.. or more of a myth that you need to further examine?

Are certain commonly accepted statements supportive to your healing?

In this video I will elaborate on two of the biggest myths, in the context of narcissistic abuse, and how blindly accepting them could be a hindrance to your freedom.

I hope reconsidering these notions will help you un-enmesh from this affliction, ..offer you more clarity and peace.

with love,

42 - 7

Joanna Kujath
Posted 1 year ago

NEW VIDEO tomorrow! Do you have trouble discerning your authentic inner voice from that of the domineering narcissist, or other negatively influencing inner voices?

In this video I elaborate how to differentiate between the hijacking voice of the narcissist, how their narratives invade our mental space...and how to identify your authentic voice..

I hope you find this discussion helpful.. at reclaiming your inner peace

with much love,

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Joanna Kujath
Posted 1 year ago

NEW VIDEO TOMORROW! We give so much in these relationships- make sure you understand the value of this final gift the narcissist needs!

To help you accelerate the overcoming of this traumatic relationship, this perspective will help you with moving on.

Are you still struggling to understand why you can't let go? Are you worried or feel guilty about what would happen, if you truly did?

This gradual adjustment of your mindset, can help you understand the power you have.. but may not yet realize..

One definition of a miracle is a change in perception. I invite you to consider this change in the way you perceive things.. as it is of tremendous benefit to you, and "them"..

Let me know in the comments below..
What perspectives do you still have- about yourself, the relationship.. that may not be helpful to your ability to let go? Is your perception still clouded by confusion? What is still binding you?

Register your interest for my intensive signature program - 'Transcending Narcissism'

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