Artworks by Adib Ghorbani
Pianist | Composer | Actor | Director | Filmmaker | Electronic musician | Producer | Writer | Educator
Adib Ghorbani is an Iranian pianist, composer, filmmaker, actor, and director based in the United States. After earning a Bachelor's degree in classical piano performance and a Master's in music composition, Adib leaves his country, Iran, for the United States to pursue his studies as a Ph.D. student in the ICIT program (Integrated Composition, Improvisation, and technology) at UC Irvine. Adib’s unique multidisciplinary style is known as Silent Music or Electro-musical Mime. Silent Music is an integration of physicial theater, live music performance, sound design, film, and motion sensor technology. Adib’s works span a wide variety of other genres, such as theatrical music, film, sound design, opera, contemporary music, experimental music, podcasts, and free improvisation.