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Ruby Pearl

6.4K subscribers - no pronouns :c

I used to collect old William Shatner TV shows/interviews.

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Ruby Pearl
Posted 1 year ago

REVIEW (part 1) of ā€œYou Can Call Me Billā€ 10/18/2023 at the Newport Beach
Film Festivalā€¦WARNING: I tend to babble onā€¦ Part 1 will be a general overview. Part 2 will be more specific.
I had this nagging feeling that if I didnā€™t take this opportunity to see ā€œYou Can Call Me Billā€ last week at the Newport Film Festival, Iā€™d regret it. Iā€™ve read all the reviews of ā€œYou Can Call Me Billā€, but no one gives you the nitty-gritty of the documentary.

Going in, I knew that this wasnā€™t a ā€œtypicalā€ documentary. Iā€™ve certainly been intrigued as to why Legion M has had such a hard time selling the rights to the film in North America-whether it was Legion M or the film itself. THAT Iā€™ll get into after my review.

THE FORMAT: This was exactly like Billā€™s one man show. Bill sitting, tho, with varying degrees of extreme closeups, and talking. Fading in & out were numerous clips & photos (some weā€™ve never seen). It was a lot more intense & detailed & personal than what I expected. Just like Billā€™s sitting there talking to you. I can handle this!!! It was sort of like the old artsy films you used to see years ago only on your PBS channel. Unfortunately, I think they only used one camera to film this, so they couldnā€™t be more creative in their zooms in & out of Bill. But, hey, guess thatā€™s what the director intended.

THE TOPICS: childhood, early career, etc., etc. What youā€™d expect in a Bill ā€œdocumentary.ā€ Obviously, areas HE wanted to delve into. He took, tho, this opportunity to go into these topics ALOT more in depth. Nice! REALLY nice!

OVERALL: It was SO different in the way it was filmed! It certainly ran you through a gambit of emotions. 1. Some points had you almost in tears, 2. some had you questioning the editorā€™s/ directorā€™s judgement, 3. some had you bored $hitless, 4. some had you enthralled by itsā€™ beauty & wanting to jump out of your seat applauding, 5. and the ending left you in stunned silence. SILENCE!!! No applause when the lights came upā€¦just silence. STUNNED silence is the only way to describe it. Really different approach, needless to say. Iā€™m warning you now tho, that Iā€™m not probably going to tell you exactly what it was at the end that left the audience in ā€œstunned silence.ā€ I certainly wouldnā€™t have wanted to know how it ended prior to watching the performance myself. SOā€¦just to warn ya, butā€¦you can probably figure it out.

REVIEW (part 2) of ā€œYou Can Call Me Billā€ 10/18/2023. The specifics of my 5 overall impressions from part 1ā€¦

1.ā€œSome points had you almost in tearsā€,ā€¦Bill talked in GREAT detail about his childhoodā€¦loneliness, his dog & his mother & father. This sounds corny but you could actually hear the tears in his voice as it quivered in places discussing his parents & his need, as a child, for so much more from them. His attempts to get his fatherā€™s approval & his recollection that he never got so much as a hug from his mother. OMG! Heartbreaking! Then discussing the death of his only dog as a kid. Coming home from school & jumping the fence to play with his dog, asking his mother where the dog was. Pretty dark & detailed. WOW!!

2.ā€œSome sections ( two, actually) had me questioning the editorā€™s/ directorā€™s judgementā€ā€¦The first was when Bill was talking about the death of his dog. OK. not that recalling the death of your dog isnā€™t emotional enough, but the editor kept cutting away from Bill to seemingly endless visuals. NOT of dead dogs, thank goodness. but fuzzy pics of a dogā€™s paw, a dogā€™s foot, etc. NOPE!!! AINā€™T WORKING FOR ME! I found myself, instead of focusing on the image Bill was portraying, wondering what other artsy portrait the editor was going to fade into next. DIDNā€™T WORK! I DO admit, tho, that part of the issue was that Bill himself was going on & on recalling the memory. Heart wrenching.....except for the visuals. When in doubt, focusing on Bill was a far far better option than overusing fuzzy pics of dog parts. Was totally distracting from the narrative. No doubt the dog lover in me speaking hereā€¦,The second section where I found myself questioning the editorā€™s/ directorā€™s judgement, was the ending. This was either the greatest ending in the history of documentaries or the worst! Canā€™t decide. Certainly, was the most memorable ending of any documentary youā€™ll ever see. Iā€™ll discuss the ending in more detail in the last section here, BUTā€¦as I said earlier, not the actual ending, I think. Would be too much of a spoiler.

3.ā€œSome sections had you bored $hitlessā€ā€¦.Amazing to me, it seemed TOO LONG, even for a Shatner fan ( 96 minutes). Billā€™s voice & the format of the film kinda lulled you to sleep in places. And then there were the TREES. UGH!! Bill discussed his desire to be cremated & buried under a tree. Fade into beautiful images of treesā€¦and more treesā€¦and yet even MORE trees. OK, editor, we get it. No need to hit us over the head with pictures of trees. When Bill was discussing the plight of earthā€™s future, guess what? Trees. Never want to see another picture of a tree in my life! BUT, when I do, Iā€™ll surely think of this documentary & Bill.

4.ā€œSome points had you enthralled by itsā€™ beauty & wanting to jump out of your seat applaudingā€ā€¦Near the end was a prolonged & absolutely beautiful sequence of images to the audio of Bill & Brad Paisley performing ā€œReal.ā€ This was like, WOW! THIS I needed more of. Nearly jumped up cheering. THIS was specialā€¦real special! It was such an unbelievable high. Absolutely PERFECT way to end this thing. And thenā€¦BOOM!

5. ā€œand then the endingā€ā€¦A 2-3 minute segment before credits rolled. SILENCE! Lights came up in the theatre to total silence. Folks got up from their seats and you heard NOTHINGā€¦not a word! To go literally from the highest of highs one moment to a stunned silence the next was certainly unexpected. Kinda a Hitchcock-like moment. The ending wasnā€™t sad, wasnā€™t hopeful, wasnā€™t joyous. Not sure how to describe it, but it certainly was memorable. No doubt you have to see the documentary yourself to appreciate the effect of the ending. And, hey, maybe itā€™s just the Shatner fan in me thatā€™s reacting.

To share with you here what that 2-3 minutes ending segment was would be totally detrimental to your viewing enjoyment IMHO. Sorry! You definitely need to go see it! Hopefully Legion M can get their act together & sell the rights in North America so you CAN see it.

EDITORIAL COMMENT:(which I probably need to delete)
SOā€¦.Legion Mā€¦itā€™s been 8 months since the documentary premiered at SXSW Film Festival in Austin, Tx in March 2023. They succeeded in selling the rights quite quickly to non- North American venues. HUH!!! So, whatā€™s the hold up HERE, I wonder? OKā€¦it IS what Iā€™d consider an ā€œartsyā€ film. BUTā€¦itā€™s an artsy film about WILLIAM SHATNER!
I mentioned at the beginning that ā€œI had this nagging feeling that if I didnā€™t take this opportunity to see ā€œYou Can Call Me Billā€ last week at the Newport Film Festival, Iā€™d regret it.ā€ Wellā€¦this was the second Legion M event Iā€™ve attended (the first was SDCC handprint ceremony & afterparty in 2022). Briefly met most of the Legion M folk. My impressions? Probably irrelevant and probably not the opinions of most. That ā€œnagging feelingā€ in my gut keeps telling me that this documentary isnā€™t going to be released anytime soon in North America.

Just MY impressions of the documentary & Legion M . Might not be yours.

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Ruby Pearl
Posted 1 year ago

5/2/2023 There was just a copyright claim on the 1957 "Oedipus Rex" video I posted & it's now blocked. Sorry! It can be found here:ā€¦ It's currently up on you tube here:

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Ruby Pearl
Posted 2 years ago

1970 "Andersonville Trial" can be streamed here:

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Ruby Pearl
Posted 2 years ago

Playhouse 90 "A Town Has Turned to Dust" can be streamed here:

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Ruby Pearl
Posted 3 years ago

Sorry, but I felt it necessary to delete my upload of "The Andersonville Trial" since it's now available on Amazon Prime. Certainly don't want my account terminated....which is what happened to the person who uploaded a digitalized version of this particular show. TRYING not to upload stuff that's available on DVD for this very reason. I'll try an upload of selected scenes relating to the moral issues of following orders. BUT.....the entire show can be streamed here:

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Ruby Pearl
Posted 3 years ago

Link to the "What A Man" skit from Shatners' appearance on SNL 12/20/1986. Unfortunately you have to suffer through the commercial, but it's worth the wait.ā€¦

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Ruby Pearl
Posted 3 years ago

Link to the Archive of American Television Interview with William Shatner. 3.5 hours long. Parts 1-5 were filmed in 1999, parts 6 & 7 were added in 2009.ā€¦

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