A little bit of a mixture between 3d Printing, Woodworking, Metalworking, Electronics, and other miscellaneous tinkering.
I am an HVAC Technician by trade. But by any other time of the day I can be a Photographer, Hobbyist, Mechanic, Carpenter, Electrician, 3d Printer, Techie, Handyman.
I consider myself a #Generalist #Maker.
Alot of makers study only a handful of trades at best. I am a little bit of a different breed, I'm a problem solver. Now are my solutions or ways 100% the correct way? Sure.... Well ok sometimes MAYBE. I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. If I find something that I do not understand, I have to learn more. I do not like not knowing how something works, and I am rarely satisfied that something is actually broken. Sometimes this will lead me to a #FAIL, most times I get to gawk at my success.
I have friends and family who see me on Facebook, or Instagram and they have fallen into the habit of wondering what I will be up to next.
What is Next?