My Whole Life, Is Devoted To Helping People Fall Out Of Love With The World, And Fall In Love With God.
1... To provide UNBELIEVERS overwhelming EVIDENCE that God exists.
2... To STRENGTHEN & ENCOURAGE my Brothers And Sisters.
This site was not developed with the intention of drawing a large number of visitors using trivial methods and shallowness. If, for as long as this site is in existence, only one sinner is led to repentance and belief with the aid of the material presented here, then the purpose of this site has been served...
The mission of this channel, is to win you to Jesus Christ If you are a not a Christian
and to strengthen your faith if you are already saved!
(Kent Hovind)
Billy Crone.
Chuck Missler.
Kent Hovind.
Dave Hunt.
Garry Stearman.
Larry Wessels.
Ray Comfort.
Walter Martin
Alexander Scourby.
Shai Linn.
Timothy Brindle.
Zae Da Blacksmith.
Chrys Jones.
Grace And Peace ππ