Random thoughts (8/22/12):
-Nice day today
Wait...don't click that back button yet! You haven't even read this description!
I now non-actively play Runescape and make RS vids and other vids. Sounds like something...a million point six other people do, right? Well yeah, true--if you look up rsmv right now, you will almost certainly see a new rsmv, mep, or incomplete rsmv (a lot of 'em) posted in the last couple hours.
So what's the big deal? One more RSMV maker, whatever. I can't stop you from clicking back now, but maybe check back some time and check some of my videos out. I procrastinate but maybe one day you'll see a video that you'll love. If you've read this far, congratulations, you may have this shiny penny and my undying gratitude. :D