I'm Andrew Costa and Welcome to the Coached 2 Coach channel! This is where I share resources, tools, and information on how to help coaches scale and grow their online coaching businesses. As an online coach myself, I have successfully built a mullion dollar company called fit4allfitnessinc, which coaches people on how to balance their hormones naturally using food. I also run & host the hormone helper podcast in where our clients and social media onlookers can learn more about their body, their hormones, & how they can adjust their busy lifestyle. In this channel I aim to teach you how to create content that converts clients, how to launch new programs with offers quickly, and how to sell ethically through service based offers, all so you can attract the right type of people, build a coaching business you love, and make good money doing it. This isn't rinse & repeat info, you actually have to apply these tools in the right way to create a unique biz for you, so get ready to learn!