Turkish songs Translation ~ أغاني تركية مترجمة
Hi, welcome to the channel where you can find a collection of Turkish songs that I LIKE, new, old and very old too .. so I DON'T translate from Turkish to English I just search and merge the translation, thanks to : Nelly Asher from turksongs.com and all members of allthelyrics.com/forum and lyricstranslate.com, an Algerian proud ya kho .. I translate some songs to Arabic but I don't think the translation is perfect because it's based on the English one, thanks to Tarkan for Arabs j.mp/TARKAN and Haithem Kamel fb.com/turkish.song for their Arabic translations
مرحبا بكم في هذه القناة يمكنك العثور على مجموعة من الأغاني التركية التي أحبها، جديدة، قديمة وحتى قديمة جدا .. إذا وجدت خطأ ما لا تبخل بالتصحيح جزاك الله