in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
이스코테인 공화혁명(1850),이스코테인 1년 내전(1851),해르마니아 통일전쟁(1780~1799)
Ischotain Republican Revolution (1850), Ischotain One-Year Civil War (1851), Hermannian Unification War (1780-1799)
7 - 10
해르마니아 제국 지도자 핼리프 4세 (핼리프 단 부르윅)입니다 .
This is Halif IV (Halif Dan Burwick), the leader of the Hermanian Empire.
4 - 4
전에 그린것들인데 올리려다 까먹었어요 죄송합니다😅
These are the ones I drew before, but I forgot to upload them, sorry😅
6 - 9
Guys there is to many ship ideas. I'm sorry but i would not make some of ship ideas. This channel was made for my own content. sorry
Some random south korean animating.
a 13 years old.