NORTHERN INSIDER áĽááŠáá áľááĄáá áľáááľ ááá
ááŞá áá°ááá ááľáŤ áĽáŠ ᢠáľáááľ ááŤá áĽáŠ á˘á áľáááŁááᢠáľáá áľáááľ á
áᢠáĽáááᲠáľáá¨áľ áááá ᤠáŁáĽ áááááľ áľá á
áᢠááᥠá¨áĽááĽá˘ áľááĄá áľáááľ áľá áááᲠááĽá¨áľ ᣠáľááááľá áľááŁáá áľááážá ᢠáá˘áá áľááĄá áľáááľ áá
áĽááá áá áááľ ááááľá áĽáŠ ᢠáľááĄá áá˛á ááá á¨á°áĽá áá˝á
NORTHERN INSIDER is a media that is committed to building a strong and civilized system.
Because he believes that the system is strong.
A backward system leads the people through backwardness ;
In the continuity, it destroys the population completely.
Because a civilized system is the path to growth, security and civilization.
Let us contribute to build a civilized system together.
To have a civilized country and community.