12 year old boy named Cameron Terrell Powell Born on September 10 2012 and from Jasper Texas and raised in Orange Texas also known for Starting YouTube on Thanksgiving of 2024 also known as YouTube Star 🌟 with 10.6K recent views on YouTube also known as rapper starting his music on a platform called Bandlab an one day as little boy he always made videos and Dreamed of being a YouTuber or rapper but he chose to do YouTube at 12 years old and that's when he was ready he knew edit an everything so he asked his mom could he do YouTube in September and said yes then that's when he started YouTube on November 28th of 2024 and the rest is history, Skits, Music, Videos, and Vlogs also check out my (Bandlab: LilCam4G) (Twitch: LilCam4G) (Discord: LilCam4G) (Tik Tok: LilCam4G) Tuesdays Wednesdays and Fridays and whole weekend I upload
From: LilCam4G!!