This is a backup channel of:
Just in case the real account gets suspended for any reason.
TheIslammiracle channel is a youtube page devoted to debunking the claims made by a number of Con-Artists who claim that 'The Quran contains Miraculous knowledge'.
Claims debunked so far:
-Iron Core of Earth
-The Splitting Moon in half
-The Female Honey Bee
-The Miracle of Honey
-The Miracle of Dates
-Moving Mountains
-Fingerprints Miracle
-Speed of light in the Quran
-Biology in the Quran
-Embryology in the Quran
-Everything created in pairs
-Expanding universe in the Quran
-7 Layers of Atmosphere
-The Pharaoh/ Ramses 2 Miracle
-The Sea Barrier
-Mountains prevent Earthquakes
-Ostrich Egg Shaped Earth
-Big Bang in the Quran
-Universe from Smoke
-Descent of Iron.
+ more videos on other subjects
and plenty more coming soon...
*Upcoming videos*
(Just a reminder list for me)
-Talking ants miracle
-Moon reflected light miracle
-Water cycle
-Rome defeat
-Number Miracle
-Sun and Moon Orbits
-Animals created from Water
-Lying Cerebrum
-Human beings from Clay
-Big Crunch theory in the Quran
-The Atom in the Quran
-Earth's Rotation
-The Ozone Layer in the Quran
-Agriculture in the Quran
-Position of Mecca
-Expanding Earth
-Bird Flight