Jake and Amir. Ace and Jocelyn. Sarah and Sam. Jjkae and Anil. Flying kites. Drinking 60...12 beers. Crunching numbers. Tapping nuts. Comin' to ya face. Whatever the hell they're called, and whatever the hell they're doing, they're totally ace. Why are you referring to yourself in the 3rd person ? Because Im important ? No you're not.
Oh Sheesh Y'all, It's links !
Amir's Blog: www.beingfamous.com/
Jake's Blog: jakehurwitz.tumblr.com/
Amir's Twitter: twitter.com/jakeandamir
Jake's Twitter: twitter.com/jakehurwitz
Facebook: www.facebook.com/jak...
Mailing Address:
225 Park Avenue South
17th Floor
New York, NY 10003