This channel is for cat-lovers and anyone who likes cooking. I am cooking non-professionally but with great enthusiasm.
I used to work as a professional radiology technologist expertise in mammography and now into playing the cello and cooking! I moved to the US from Japan 8 years ago and recently to Philadelphia from Boston. I have been moving between the US and Japan, city to city like a wandering cat, and changing (loosing?) job and jumping into new things and cultures.
But one thing I have not changed is a passion for cooking (and eating, of course). I started cooking more frequently when I moved to the US because I missed Japanese food a lot. Now I believe that you can cook anything you want wherever you are (with a little help of Google search and YouTube cooking channels). That's the motivation I keep cooking and share recipes on my YouTube channel.
Let's cook with Miki-Neko. I am happy if you could leave a comment or suggestion.