Farrah (Hongfang Zhang) 是聯邦税务师和全执照的专业投资顾问,主要工作是为客人做一站式财富管理和省税规划,比较熟悉的理财产品包括:银行结构型债券,私募股权,共同基金,UITS,各种人寿保险,年金,员工退休计划等。开通这个频道,只为和大家一起分享Farrah每天关注的财税热点,大家一起学习,共同进步,在最有效的时间内掌握更多有用的信息。此频道的内容仅用于知识和信息的交流分享,不作为任何投资理财建议。想了解更多投资和省税信息的话,
CRD#: 6946540
Insurance License #: 1678840
Home State: New Jersey
Important Disclosure:
This channel contains content for informational and entertainment purposes only, and is not
intended to provide or be relied upon for any recommendations or advice, nor for investing,
tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own trusted professional before
engaging in any transaction or strategy. Farrah Zhang is an IRS Enrolled Agent, and a Registered Representative with Ni
Advisors, member FINRA/SIPC.
CRD#: 6946540
Insurance License #: 1678840
Home State: New Jersey