I love MCR and GD! They are the best bands ever! Gerard way,Frank iero,Billie joe,and Tre' cool are hot!i am obsessed with Green Day and MCR!
What is a true Green Day fan?
1)Know more than the song American Idiot or any song that was made within the last 2 years.
2)Know that you spell Billie Joe's name with 'ie' and not a 'y' cuz it makes him mad!
3)Shout "yes!" when one of their songs come on.
4)Punch cousins/siblings/parents/or friends cuz they dissed the best band ever!
5)Know the names of all the band members and not just Billie Tre and Mike and they know what they all do.
6)Shop for hours so they can just find something that has Green Day on it. (No matter what it is!)
7)know Billie Joe's kids names
8)know what the name of the band was befor they were "GreenDay"
9)knows the word to thier songs!
10)Real Green Day fans have this on their profile!