heyy yall , my name is jasveer as shown on my username , and i am absolutely thrilled for you to visit my youtube channel , on here you will find shorts and videos varying of different series (mostly animation) , i make compilations edits
and more , i love to make videos because they give me that boost of motivation and creativity that i have actually done something in my quality time , to express how i feel and what i can do , i hope you have a delightful and amazing day , and thank you so much again for having a click on my channel to see whats going on , god bless you and have a thrill watching ! 🤩
i try to make daily videos , but if not i am probably studying for my gsces and further on my a levels , i will try to make daily videos or shorts each week!! 😛
everything that i use such as scenes and videos , are all credited to the animation studios and creators who made them possible for me to edit , and i have no claim of owning them , i love zagtoon and disney though!!🤣