Not all of the names I mentioned are my real names. Some of them I liked and decided to keep as my names on this youtube account and identify myself with them.
Adil is my real name though. It means in Arabic a person (or I think more specifically a male) who is just.
Ahmed is the name of prophet Muhammad (SAAS) in the heavens.
Ibrahim is the name of a great prophet and messenger of God, Allah. In fact,Ibrahim (alayhis salam) is one of the five greatest, strongest, mightiest prophets of God. In the English Bible he is known as Abraham.
Hanif was a name Allah (God Almighty) called the Prophet Ibrahim (alayhis salam)
"Hanif means a devout, upright, and righteous person who submits to God's command and never moves away from His religion. The most hanif characteristics of Prophet Abraham (pbuh) were his belief in the One and Only God and his submission to Him." - Quote from The Prophet Abraham (pbuh) and Prophet Lot