Who made these rules anyway?
This podcast is for you, my dear, if you have ever been accused of having a bit of a wild nature. We are women #raisingadults , caring for our #agingparents , working to work less but with more meaning.
The theme: #health, #wellness, #relationshipover40, & #travel.
This year, we’re doing it with #intention , #intuition , gut feels, the #goodvibes and the #badvibes that you should always be listening to, because you know you best! You might be searching for ways to #improveyourlife & #personalfulfillment .
How to define #lifegoals & #priorities? #lifelessons & #insights #selfcare #howtosetboundaries #managemoney #retirementplanning #wealthbuilding & #quantumleaping ? Most important, #womenshealth over40, we’re going to cover them all. #deeperconnections #truth & the growing your #tribe.
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